Sunday, November 25, 2007

Anya + Chris

Sorry all faithful blog followers. I am just now getting caught up, so I promise blogging will be more regular. Here's a great one from October. Anya and Chris are wonderful. It's always fun to shoot wedding ceremonies that are a little divergent from the usual. Anya grew up at this really neat Eastern Orthodox church, and the ceremony had tons of visual interest (check out the crowns below). Both Erin (my faithful assistant) and I remarked all day on how nice and laid back everyone was. Thank you so much all of you for letting me into your day!
Anya's mom made all of the cute bridesmaid's dresses!

Anya's sister Alli did the flowers- she used some really unique flowers

I love the way kids connect with the camera


I love this moment. Anya and her family and bridesmaids were picked up in the limo, and then arrived in front of the church, and walked straight into the doors and down the aisle. I absolutely love this way of doing things. So dramatic- the anticipation is outstanding. People always say they don't want to wait to see eachother because they're afraid they'll be so nervous, and I usually say "great"- that's what makes the moment so powerful.

Anya's family is Russian, so instead of throwing flowers or bubbles or whatever, they exited the church with a vodka toast. Fun!

Dad and Grandma toasting

I asked Erin to shoot the reaction- she nailed it. Yuck!

Lake Quivira- the sun had just set- This is one of my favorite lights to shoot in- that blue night sky

...and they danced the night away. :)


Sherry said...

ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! From one of your most faithful blog followers. The little, the bride and groom on the dock, no, the bride peering out of the car window, oh, I can't decide a favorite.


from another faithful blog follower - these are BREATH TAKING!!! seriously, becca, you are so madly talented. thanks for the constant inspiration!

Bets said...

YEAH! Another beautiful bride I know. Anya was a Pi Phi with me. The pics are GREAT! I love the reaction "shot" to the vodka shot!

Kristi said...


I love your pictures. You are an incredible photographer. I always love looking at the photos you take.

-Kristi Gallagher