Sunday, September 2, 2007

Birthday Week

I know this is silly, but I do actually feel giddy on the week of my birthday. I know, I'm like a little girl. My brother makes fun of the fact that I think everyone should have a birthday week. When I have kids, I am determined to let them pick the dinner menu for the entire week of their birthday, have a week exempt from chores, etc., etc.
I think my love for birthdays came from my dad's extravagant love for me as a kid- how on my birthday I would come downstairs and there would be a banner of that old 80's printer paper (you know, with the perferated margins that you tore off) this long strung out banner painted with a big outdoor paintbursh and house paint (the red that we used to paint our picnic table, I think), and it said something like "Happy Birthday Becca Boo".
I'm sure I got a special breakfast and then my dad would always come up to the elementary school sometime during the day with helium ballons and candy tied to the end. It was such a surprise and for whatever reason, these gestures made me feel like the most beloved girl in the world.
My mom always made us fun Halloween or Valentine Day breakfasts and dinners, we got classic little gifts for Valentine's Day and Easter, so I think in general, I was just taught to look forward to these little celebrations- little breaks from the norm dotted throughout the year. We all need Sabbath.


Sherry said...

Wow! You have really cool parents!:)

becca said...

yes, my parents are the best! They are my best friends.

Bets said...

GREAT idea! I love birthday weeks! I hope your's is the BEST Becca Boo!

Kristina said...

Becca, that is so awesome! We are bday week fans too and I got a little teary when I read your dad dad did the same thing! I would come downstairs to a old banner of Happy birthday to Tina written in pen with little notes along to indicate that it was a song :) He put it up while I was away at college, even though I wasn't there to see it. I loved it!